SXP (Swipe), a decentralized perpetual contract exchange.

How to buy SXP (Swipe) on Huobi?

Follow the easy 4 steps below to buy SXP (Swipe) on Huobi.

  1. Register a Huobi Global account
    Provide an email address, create a username, and choose a secure password.
  2. Verify your account
    After registering and verifying, all you need to do to buy Bitcoin is to provide your name, date of birth, country/region and phone number. For verification information, see the verification documentation.
  3. Deposit in fiat currency or cryptocurrency
    To deposit cryptocurrency, you only need to check the encrypted address on Huobi Global and send funds to that address. There are many ways to use fiat currency to fund your account for transactions, including credit cards, cash, and other cryptocurrencies.
  4. Start buying Bitcoin on Huobi
    Once your fiat currency or cryptocurrency is in your account, you can start buying Bitcoin. Through your Huobi Global account, you can get trading charts, 24-hour global customer support, and SXP (Swipe) derivatives trading.

Huobi Official Website

What is SXP (Swipe)?

Swipe is a debit card and credit card issuance API service empowered by SXP tokens. It provides business partners with the ability to issue encrypted currencies to connect bank debit cards.

Swipe connects the world’s largest payment network to the world’s largest digital asset exchange, creating a seamless payment card experience for its users. This extensive API network allows these customers to access more than 70 million consumption locations, which include more than 130 legal currencies, which can be converted from encrypted currency to legal currency on demand.

Open Huobi’s Crypto Account