Stake KRIPTO (Kripto Koin) to earn 100% APY on Huobi
You can now stake KRIPTO (Kripto Koin) to earn 100% APY on Huobi.
Top up KRIPTO on Huobi Earn to enjoy up to 100% APY.
How to join Huobi Global HT Team Competition and Win 20,000 USDT?
What is Huobi Global HT Team Competition? Team up to win gorgeous prizes.
Participate in the "HT Team Trading Competition" and win 20,000 USDT bonuses each.
Get 15,000 USDT worth of XEN - Refer your friends to MEXC Crypto Exchange
Refer Friends to Trade, 15,000 USDT worth of XEN Up for Grab!
MEXC X XEN Crypto Exclusive. Invite friends to trade and win a share of XEN worth 15,000 USDT.
Stake ING (Infinity Angel) to earn 200% through Huobi Earn
Top-up ING on Huobi Earn to enjoy up to 200% APY.
You can now stake ING (Infinity Angel) on Huobi Earn. Stake ING to earn 200% APY.
100 USDT Guaranteed Reward - Trade for 7 consecutive days on BitMart
Trade for 7 consecutive days on BitMart and get 100 USDT reward.
BitMart will launch a limited-time trading challenge on October 11th.
Easily earn 500,000 NEST by holding NEST with Bibox
The magic weapon for winning the bear market, hold NEST positions, without fear of ups and downs, and easily win 500,000 NEST.
Magic weapon with no fear to win, easily earn 500,000 NEST by holding with Bibox.
HOOP (Chibi Dinos) trading competition with 200,000 HOOP prize by Huobi
Huobi Global will launch the HOOP trading competition on October 11th.
Huobi will be running HOOP (Chibi Dinos) trading competition with HOOP (Chibi Dinos) token rewards.
BitMEX adds SHIB, SAND, CRO, MANA, FTT, and WBTC for exchange
BitMEX to list SHIB, SAND, CRO, MANA, FTT, and WBTC for exchange, deposit, withdrawal and trading.
Later this week, SHIB, SAND, CRO, MANA, FTT, and WBTC will arrive at BitMEX.
How do Physical NFTs connect Digital and Physical Worlds?
What are Physical NFTs? Bridging the Gap between the Digital and Real Worlds.
While one of the biggest applications of physical NFTs is authentication, they can also enhance the consumer experience and the physical experience.
Airdrop of MBL (MovieBloc) tokens by Huobi Candydrop
Huobi's Token Airdrop. The CandyDrop will launch MBL (MovieBloc) on October 11th.
Huobi will airdrop MBL (MovieBloc) tokens. See the candydrop details here.
(Forex Broker)
Comment by Hans
April 24, 2024
as I am trading here various assets, for me it's the most important feature. i mean, flexibility in tradable markets. i alternate trading styles, meaning that sometimes I trad...