PORTO (FC Porto Fan Token), WIN (WINkLink) and WAXP (WAX) on BKEX.
New Cryptocurrencies on BKEX
BKEX has listed PORTO (FC Porto Fan Token), WIN (WINkLink) and WAXP (WAX) to the exchange.
Here are the details of newly added Cryptocurrencies.
- PORTO (FC Porto Fan Token)
- The available trading pair is PORTO/USDT. FC Porto Fan Token is built on the Binance Smart Chain, which makes FC Porto fans more widely accessible, more functional and lower cost.
- WIN (WINkLink)
- The available trading pair is WIN/USDT. WinkLink is a decentralized language and network. Decentralization reduces the need for trust between parties to the contract. WinkLink ensures the security of the entire process of smart contract execution, including obtaining data from off-chain sources. This is a prerequisite for connecting smart contracts with the real world and replacing traditional digital contracts.
- The available trading pair is WAXP/USDT. WAXP is a tool used by the WAX platform to realize its functions. It helps users list products, trade with each other, pay and deliver virtual products, sign and fulfill contracts, select union candidates and vote.
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Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...