Bitget Lists Casper (CSPR) in Innovation Zone - 32,000 CSPR Up For Grab!

Casper (CSPR) will be listed in the Innovation District. Are you new to Bitget? When you make your first deposit or trade here, you stand a chance to share in the 32,000 CSPR prize pool.

Casper Network is the first real-time proof-of-stake blockchain built on the Casper CBC specification. Casper is designed to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology by enterprises and developers today, and continue to evolve to meet future user needs.

The native token of the Casper network is CSPR, and Casper relies on CSPR tokens to reward validators who participate in the PoS consensus mechanism to secure and maintain the network.

Deposit and Withdrawal: Enabled

Trading: 20:00 on July 27 (UTC+8)

Event period: 15:00 on July 25th – 0:00 on August 1st (UTC+8)

There is always a first place! Bitget will give you 320 CSPR (not less than $100 CSPR) when you make your first deposit or spot trade, for the first 100 new users only.

Rewards will be issued within 14 working days after the event ends.

Users participating in this event must complete the required identity verification before the event ends in order to be deemed eligible for rewards.

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