Details of Conversion of Bitcoin SV (BCHSV) Tokens to BUSD
Details of the exchange of Bitcoin SV (BCHSV) tokens to BUSD.
Bitcoin SV (BCHSV) Tokens to be converted to BUSD.
Details of Binance Futures ETH/USDT System Issue & Liquidation
Announcement on the abnormal liquidation of the Binance ETH/USDT perpetual contract.
Here is the detail of the reimbursement for Binance Futures ETH/USDT System Issue and Liquidation.
Binance will start Polkadot Parachain Slot Auction
Stay tuned for more information on Polkadot Parachain Slot Auction in November 2021.
Binance will support Polkadot Parachain Slot Auction in November 2021.
Details of Binance's Dual Investment Rewards - Win $30,000 in BNB
Dual Investment Rewards. You can win $30,000 in BNB in this Binance's promotion.
For a limited time, users who participate in the Dual Investments Rewards promotion are eligible to win a share of the $30,000 prize pool.
Details of APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution to TRON (TRX), BitTorrent (BTT) & JUST (JST) Holders
Binance Completes the Fourth Round of APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution to TRON (TRX), BitTorrent (BTT), and JUST (JST) Holders.
APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution to TRON (TRX), BitTorrent (BTT) and JUST (JST) Holders.
Bybit adds new Cryptocurrency pairs - ATOM/USDT, FTT/USDT, CHZ/USDT, DASH/USDT, etc.
Bybit has added new Cryptocurrency pairs.
Bybit has added DYDX/USDT, LUNA/USDT and more new Cryptocurrency pairs for trading.
Bybit Launchpool - Stake BIT to Earn 1,500,000 BIT for FREE
Earn up to 1,500,000 BIT when you stake BIT. Bybit's prize pool has grown 300% from the first series.
You can earn BIT over a fixed period of 3 months, or unstake them anytime you’d like.
50% APY on PIVX with Binance Savings
Binance treasure launches PIVX wealth management products, with an annualized rate of up to 50%.
Earn Up to 50% APY on PIVX with Binance Savings.
Details of USDC-SPL and USDT-SPL Token Integration
Solana network USDC and USDT token integration completed on Binance.
Binance completes the USDC-SPL and USDT-SPL integration and has opened deposits and withdrawals for USDC and USDT on Solana network (SPL).
Details of Binance's Dual Currency Investment (Phase 62) product
62nd Phase of Dual Investment Products Launched on Binance.
Details of 62nd Phase of Dual Investment Products Launched on Binance.
Comment by cryptoloversofxm
February 19, 2025
I just saw that XMTrading now supports cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals. No fees, instant transactions, and up to $30K per month. Each deposit gets a unique wallet addres...