Launch of "Binance Chain" as a public Blockchain
Binance believes that supporting high-quality Blockchain projects is the best way to develop Cryptocurrency industry. Within the last 6 months, Binance Exchange has completed many projects such as Binance Labs, Binance Info and more. ...
KuCoin Exchange lists Debitum Network token "DEB"
March 13th, 2018 - "DEB" available on KuCoin Exchange KuCoin exchange has listed a new Cryptocurrency token, "Debitum Network" which provides loan application service. DEB Information Token: DEB Cryptocurrency Pairs: DE...
24 more Cryptocurrency Pairs added for Margin Trading on LiveCoin Exchange
LiveCoin exchange has listed a number of new Cryptocurrency Pairs today. Here is the list of newly available Cryptocurrency pairs. Cryptocurrency Pairs Available ECOMCASH ECIO/BTC, ECIO/ETH DIGNITY DIG/BTC, DI...
KuCoin exchange lists JET8 token "J8T"
March 9th, 2018 - "J8T" available on KuCoin Exchange KuCoin has listed another Cryptocurrency token, JET8 (J8T) which is a decentralized mobile engagement network connecting influencers, audiences and brands through the value of social ...
KuCoin exchange lists SwissBorg token "CHSB"
March 9th, 2018 - "CHSB" available on KuCoin Exchange KuCoin has listed another Cryptocurrency token, SwissBorg (CHSB) which is the first community-centric wealth management platform aligned with the interests of all users. CHSB Inform...
KuCoin exchange lists Gladius Token "GLA"
March 9th, 2018 - "GLA" available on KuCoin Exchange KuCoin has listed another Cryptocurrency token, Gladius (GLA) which protects and accelerates users' website with an easy to use interface as well as powerful insight tools. GLA Infor...
HitBTC Exchange lists Dragon Token "DRG"
Soon to be listed - "DRG" on HitBTC Exchange HitBTC is going to list a new Cryptocurrency Token "Dragon token" that aims to enhance the entire Entertainment and gaming eco-system. DRG Information Token: DRG Cryptocurrenc...
KuCoin exchange lists SpherePay token "SAY"
March 9th, 2018 - "SAY" available on KuCoin Exchange KuCoin has listed another Cryptocurrency token, SpherePay (SAY) which creates a bridge between local funds and Cryptocurrency market. SAY Information Token: SAY Crypto...
Binance gives away Enjin Coin token "ENJ" for Free
March 9th, 2018 - "ENJ" airdrop by Binance Binance will airdrop a token "Enjin Coin" (ENJ) to all BNB token holders this March 9th. "Enjin Coin" provides an ecosystem to support online game development. "ENJ" will be given away to...
Binance exchange lists Ontology token "ONT"
March 8th, 2018 - "ONT" available on Binance Exchange Binance exchange has listed another Cryptocurrency token "ONT" which connects and share any types of applications using Blockchain system. ONT Information Token: ONT Cr...
Comment by cryptoloversofxm
February 19, 2025
I just saw that XMTrading now supports cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals. No fees, instant transactions, and up to $30K per month. Each deposit gets a unique wallet addres...