Bitso is a Mexican Cryptocurrency Exchange, which has started in 2014.
The exchange focuses in providing service with Mexican Peso (MXN).
You can trade popular Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and others against Mexican Peso (MXN).
What is Bitso?
Bitso is evolving the way people use their money.
Bitso makes cryptocurrencies as easy as sending a text message.
In Bitso’s app you can buy and sell bitcoin or any of the available cryptocurrencies, store them in one place or send them to your friends and family.
Go to Bitso’s Official Website
It is simple:
- Deposit Argentine pesos or Mexican pesos instantly from your bank account.
- Buy, sell and convert bitcoin, XRP, ether, Dai and other cryptocurrencies in just a few steps.
- Buy the coin fractions you need and build your cryptocurrency portfolio at your own pace.
- With Bitso+, you can earn annual returns of up to 6% in BTC, and up to 15% in USD stablecoins, which will be credited to you weekly.
It’s transparent:
- Check the latest market prices for bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.
- Stay in control of your cryptocurrencies with Bitso’s insurance policy and regulatory licenses.
It’s global:
- Join a crypto community of over 3 million people.
- Send money anywhere in the world using cryptocurrencies.
- Get instant access to dollars by depositing stablecoins like PAX, USDC, BUSD and HUSD.
Bitso is a regulated financial services platform powered by blockchain technology.
It has more than 3 million users in Mexico, Argentina and Brazil.
With Bitso, you can buy and sell bitcoin, ether, XRP, litecoin, bitcoin cash, TrueUSD, MANA, BAT and Dai; with the certainty that the custody and management of your cryptocurrencies are regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC), following the DLT regulatory framework.
It’s time to change the way you see and use your money.
Go to Bitso’s Official Website
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...