What is ChangeNOW?
ChangeNOW is a simple and fast instant cryptocurrency exchange service.
There is no need to register to start using ChangeNOW’s Cryptocurrency exchange service.
You just need to go to ChangeNOW’s official website and start your exchange immediately.
Upon your request, ChangeNOW will find the best rate among popular exchanges such as Binance, Bitfinex, Huobi, OKEx, and Kucoin and process the exchange for you.
On ChangeNOW, you can exchange over 250 Cryptocurrencies without any additional fees, and start with less than $2 in your favorite coin.
Go to ChangeNOW’s Official Website
How does ChangeNOW exchange work?
ChangeNOW’s service works in a very simple way.
To start using ChangeNOW’s service, you don’t have to register or pay fees.
- Pick a Cryptocurrency to exchange
ChangeNOW supports more than 10,000 currency pairs. Pick the one you like and get started. - Exchange your Cryptocurrency to another
ChangeNOW handles everything complicated so that you can spend your time on what matters. No registration. No hidden fees. No surprises. - Receive your Funds
ChangeNOW matches the estimate and the outcome better than anyone else, thanks to the RealRates system.
Exchange Cryptocurrencies on ChangeNOW
Why choose ChangeNOW to exchange your coins?
There are many reasons to use ChangeNOW’s service to exchange your Cryptocurrencies.
- 250+ cryptocurrencies listed
- You have some minor Cryptocurrencies? Don’t worry, ChangeNOW’s service covers more than 250 Cryptocurrencies.
- 50+ fiat currencies supported
- ChangeNOW also supports fiat currencies for users. Not Cryptocurrencies, but you can exchange funds with no limit.
- 3M+ satisfied customers since 2017
- ChangeNOW’s service has supported more than 3 million users’ exchanges since 2017. One of the most convenient and secure way to exchange Cryptocurrencies.
- Down to $2 lower limit
- Through ChangeNOW’s platform, you can exchage only from $2 worth of coins. You have a few dollars left in Cryptocurrencies? Don’t worry, ChangeNOW can take care of it now.
- 5 mins average exchange time
- The exchange of Cryptocurrencies normally takes only 5 minutes through ChangeNOW. You send the request and ChangeNOW will take care of it as soon as possible.
Go to ChangeNOW’s Official Website
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...