Bitpanda has just completed the ninth BEST burn and burned 7,944,211 BEST with a total value of €5,982,564.
Bitpanda has just carried out the ninth burning of BEST and have destroyed 7,944,211 BEST with a total value of €5,982,564. This was the first destruction since Bitpanda introduced the new BEST 2.0 earlier this month. Read on to find out all about BEST 2.0, explained by Bitpanda’s co-founder and co-CEO, Paul Klanschek.
More than two years after its launch, BEST (the Bitpanda ecosystem token) has seen a fantastic integration into the Bitpanda community, living up to its mission to benefit all Bitpanda users. Bitpanda is excited to keep up with the growth of Bitpanda’samazing community by launching BEST 2.0 to bring you even more perks and benefits.
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BEST Monthly Burns
Bitpanda is very happy to start the year with Bitpanda’s9th BEST burn, the first of Bitpanda’smonthly burns: from now on, Bitpanda will inform you of the BEST burns every month, instead of at the end of each quarter, until it is has destroyed a maximum of 75% of the total supply of BEST.
The 9th burning of BEST: everything you need to know
Bitpanda has brought the new BEST destruction structure into the scope of BEST 2.0 .
With the introduction of the new BEST Stimulus Program, Bitpanda withdraws and destroys BEST in the amount of up to 25% of the trading fees collected by VIP-level BEST holders. This destruction process will be repeated every month until a maximum of 75% of the total supply of BEST (out of the 1 billion BEST originally issued) is eliminated.
For those who are new to Bitpanda: the purpose of destroying BEST is to decrease the total amount of BEST in existence. The destruction process leaves fewer tokens in circulation, making the remaining tokens more valuable and therefore translating into higher profits for BEST holders.
For Bitpanda’s9th BEST destruction, Bitpanda cashed out BEST over the months since Bitpanda’sprevious destruction and destroyed 7,944,211 BEST, with a total value of €5,982,564. Find all the details of Bitpanda’sninth destruction – including the destruction transaction – here and view the current supply of BEST under “Maximum Total Supply” here.
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BEST 2.0: what else has changed?
1. New VIP levels starting at 10 BEST
With BEST 2.0, Bitpanda invites more users to join the party by expanding Bitpanda’sBEST VIP levels. Bitpanda now offers five BEST VIP levels instead of the previous three, and all Bitpanda users who have at least 10 BEST can now access Bitpanda’sVIP benefits. The more they are, the better!
2. Over 15% additional BEST rewards each year, with weekly withdrawals
You are the BEST VIP if you have 10 BEST or more and soon you will be able to receive 0.10% of your BEST assets weekly through Bitpanda’sbase rewards feature. In general, with the next BEST rewards update, you will be able to collect more than 15% of your BEST assets each year.
3. Boost your rewards with the Instant Trade Bonus
Another new BEST feature is the Instant Trade Bonus, which allows you to boost the rewards you are entitled to. Thanks to the Instant Trade Bonus feature, you can earn up to 0.25% of your trading volume in BEST and receive it instantly in your wallet after each trade.
Also, this is just the beginning: I am pleased to report that Bitpanda is preparing a lot for Bitpanda’sBEST users. Bitpanda hopes you like them as much as Bitpanda does. Read all that is to come in Bitpanda’sBEST 2.0 goals document.
Important Dates: Upcoming BEST Destructions
The 9th burning of BEST officially marks the start of the monthly burndowns. Get ready and remember the dates: once a month from now on! In fact, the 9th burn is the first of Bitpanda’snew and improved destroys that will now take place monthly instead of quarterly, thanks to BEST 2.0.
Take a look at the summary of the upcoming BEST monthly burns:
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How can you benefit from BEST 2.0?
If you haven’t already, make sure you agree to Bitpanda’snew BEST 2.0 terms and Bitpanda’sBitpanda Loyalty Program in your Bitpanda app for iOS and Android or via the web, and you’re ready to get the most out of Bitpanda.
Since Bitpanda’slast destruction on October 29, 2021, a lot has happened on Bitpanda:
- Bitpanda now offers its users over 1,000 assets
- yes, a thousand! Bitpanda has listed many new coins, Bitpanda Stocks* and ETFs* on Bitpanda, bringing the total number of digital assets Bitpanda offers on the platform to over 1,000 and leaving Bitpanda Stocks* Beta behind Bitpanda.
- Bitpanda is bridging the gap between traditional finance and the internet
- and Bitpanda is off to a strong start. Bitpanda wants fintech companies, traditional banks and online platforms to be able to enter the world of digital assets. Thanks to Bitpanda’sWhite Label solution , Bitpanda has joined forces with Fabrik and Lydia.
- Bitpanda launched Bitpanda’svery own Bitpanda Bitcoin ETC
- The Bitpanda team, true to its goal of opening the world of cryptocurrencies to all investors, has worked tirelessly to launch this innovative listed product. It is the first product of its kind, but rest assured that others will follow.
- Bitpanda launched in the Nordic countries
- Danish residents can now join Bitpanda and start investing in a matter of clicks.
- Bitpanda welcomes Albert Zaragoza as Vice President of Engineering
- Having Albert on board as Vice President of Engineering at Bitpanda’snew technology center in Barcelona means Bitpanda has the perfect person to guide itself to success.
By now joining Bitpanda’sgrowth leadership team, Bitpanda is poised to grow even faster than before, becoming the leading investment platform in Europe and beyond.
This year Bitpanda has many other exciting projects. Stay tuned for more information. Thank you for being part of the Bitpanda community.
Please check Bitpanda official website or contact the customer support with regard to the latest information and more accurate details.
Bitpanda official website is here.
Please click "Introduction of Bitpanda", if you want to know the details and the company information of Bitpanda.
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