You can now earn 200% APY on ROUTE with Huobi Earn.
Earn 200% APY on ROUTE staking
Huobi Global will launch ROUTE value-added activities. Participate in value-added activities to get high interest income!
The campaign runs from June 10th at 20:00 (GMT+8) to June 17th at 20:00 (GMT+8).
Token | ROUTE |
Deposit Period | 7 days (Early termination is not allowed) |
Est. APY | 200% |
Min. Individual Deposit Requirement | 1 ROUTE |
Max. Individual Deposit Requirement | 400 ROUTE |
Max. Deposit Limit in Total | 160,000 ROUTE |
Reward tokens for this event will be issued according to the user’s top-up currency.
The next day after the top-up period ends, the reward and the principal of the added-up tokens will be unlocked and issued to the user’s currency account.
Please check Huobi official website or contact the customer support with regard to the latest information and more accurate details.
Huobi official website is here.
Please click "Introduction of Huobi", if you want to know the details and the company information of Huobi.
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February 19, 2025
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