How to buy cryptocurrencies with fiat?
Holding cryptocurrencies is the first step for us to start trading crypto assets and their derivatives, so how to buy cryptocurrencies?
1. What is fiat currency transaction
Fiat currency is legal tender, that is, the currency issued by the state, such as RMB, Taiwan dollar, euro, dollar, etc. Fiat currency trading is buying, selling or trading crypto assets with fiat currency.
2. What is P2P transaction
P2P transactions are transactions between users, so the purchase of encrypted assets through fiat currency is called “P2P transaction”.
As an intermediary platform, BingX provides security for buyers and sellers.
The platform will review for merchants, so that users can trade on the platform with peace of mind.
3. How to buy cryptocurrencies with fiat
At present, the BingX platform provides two ways to deposit fiat currency: credit card purchase and P2P purchase
4. How to buy coins by credit card
Step 1: Log in to the BingX official website or APP, and select a credit card to buy coins (official website: Home->Buy coins->Credit card buy coins; APP: Home->Recharge/Buy coins->Credit card buy coins)
Step 2: Choose the cryptocurrency to buy: USDT, BTC, ETH
Step 3: Enter the purchase quantity or amount, and select the fiat currency for payment
Step 4: Click “One-Click Purchase”
Step 5: Choose a service provider according to personal needs, currently supports Banxa, MoonPay, Advcash and other service providers
Step 6: Read the disclaimer in detail, click “Buy” to jump to the payment page or official website of the service provider, enter personal credit card information or real-name verification information, and complete bank card payment
Step 7: After the credit card payment is completed, you can check the cryptocurrency arrival status in your BingX funding account
5. How to buy coins through P2P
Step 1: Log in to the BingX official website or APP and complete the identity verification KYC.
Step 2: Enter the P2P Coin Buying Portal (Official Website: Home->Buy Coins->P2P; APP: Home->Recharge/Buy Coins->P2P Buy Coins).
Step 3: Fill in the amount you want to buy or the amount of USDT in “Purchase”, and click “Purchase with 0 Fee” to place an order.
Step 4: Select the payment method and click “Confirm Purchase”.
Step 5: After the order is generated, click “Go to Payment” and contact the seller for the transaction method.
Step 6: After obtaining the transaction method, please complete the payment on the third-party platform.
Step 7: After the payment is completed, please click “I have paid, please notify the seller” on the BingX order page and wait for the seller to collect the payment.
Step 8: After the seller completes the payment, you can check the encrypted currency in the personal fund account and the transaction is completed.
Please check BingX official website or contact the customer support with regard to the latest information and more accurate details.
BingX official website is here.
Please click "Introduction of BingX", if you want to know the details and the company information of BingX.
Comment by cryptoloversofxm
February 19, 2025
I just saw that XMTrading now supports cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals. No fees, instant transactions, and up to $30K per month. Each deposit gets a unique wallet addres...