How to open a Cryptocurrency account with Kriptomat?
How to start using Kriptomat’s service?
Opening a new account on Kriptomat is simple, fast and free.
By clicking the Register button, you start the registration procedure where you fill in the necessary information.
Once you log into your account, simply transfer funds and start shopping.
With Kriptomat, you will receive digital wallets for the most popular digital currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, directly to your Kriptomat account.
You can exchange your digital currency. You can do it from Bitcoin or Ethereum in your local currency, for example, EUR on Kriptomat.
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How to transfer funds to Kriptomat’s account?
Bank transfer takes 2-5 business days, SEPA payments take 1-3 business days to appear in your Kriptomat account.
Regardless of the withdrawal method, the withdrawal fee will be displayed prior to payment and deducted from your account.
The minimum amount for international withdrawal is € 50.
Kriptomat does not affect any fees that banks charge for SEPA payments.
Kriptomat charges a nominal fee for each fund transaction from your account and for the purchase/sale of cryptocurrencies.
The fees charged are always displayed while viewing the transaction.
Transfers within the SEPA area generally take 2-3 business days. For users outside the SEPA area, up to 5 business days.
Go to Kriptomat Official Website
Is Kriptomat safe to use?
Kriptomat’s main task is to ensure the security of Kriptomat’s users’ data.
With Kriptomat’s modern security systems, Kriptomat carefully and constantly monitors the system for possible suspicious activity.
However, Kriptomat cannot guarantee the safety of Bitcoin (or other currencies), which are kept on the user’s own computer, so it is also of the utmost importance that the user properly takes care of and secures their digital wallet.
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What is Cryptocurrency? Bitcoin? Ethereum?
Cryptocurrencies or digital currencies are the core of the new electronic payment system.
They have properties similar to physical money (banknotes and coins), but also allow immediate transfer (transaction) of funds to another account, regardless of the country to which the funds are sent.
This system uses a decentralized currency through a user-to-user network to avoid dual consumption.
Bitcoin is the world’s first digital currency, created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Bitcoin enables faster payments (and micropayments) at extremely low costs and avoids the needs of centralized authority and issuers.
Learn more about Cryptocurrency with Kriptomat
What is Kriptomat?
Kriptomat is an online platform for digital currencies, located in the EU.
It enables people around the world to buy and sell digital currencies quickly, safely and easily in their local language and with local support.
Once the user creates an account on Kriptomat, it allows the user to buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrencies easily.
Fast, simple and safe.
With Kriptomat, you can trade the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum. In the near future, Kriptomat will expand the selection to have even more.
Kriptomat is not an investment advisory service, so Kriptomat cannot advise which currency to invest in.
You can watch the trend of individual currency values on Kriptomat’s home page with the real-time view of cryptocurrencies.
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Where can I exchange Euro for Bitcoin?
There are always more ways to find the platform that best suits your knowledge and needs.
Online services like Kriptomat allow you to quickly and easily exchange your local currency for digital currencies like Bitcoin.
Advanced users can also do this at exchange offices or more advanced exchanges.
Bitcoin can also be purchased through machines at various locations or at some gas stations.
What is a Blockchain?
Blockchain is not a digital currency and it is not the same as Bitcoin.
Blockchain (data block technology) is a technology on which the most recognizable Bitcoin cryptocurrency is based.
Today most databases are stored on central servers (each bank has its own registry, real estate authorities have their own registry, …), the entire chain of blocks as a database remains stored in a large number of computers, which are synchronized with each other.
Due to the described blockchain system, it provides significant transparency, security and efficiency.
Learn more about Blockchain with Kriptomat
Is Bitcoin safe and legal?
Kriptomat is not an investment consulting service and as such Kriptomat cannot advise on investment options.
In public, there are many records about “deadly investments in Bitcoin” and other cryptocurrencies, with many stating the silver lining as well.
You can always watch the trend of stocks on Kriptomat’s home page, where you will find real-time cryptocurrency stocks!
Bitcoin and other digital currencies are not prohibited.
As it is a relatively new phenomenon and technology, state authorities and the social environment are still adapting.
Invest in Crypto with Kriptomat
Will Cryptocurrency remain in the future?
The future will show whether digital currencies will remain viable.
Like other areas, the area of payment instruments is constantly evolving and digital currencies are created as a result of this development.
For example, as Kriptomat has witnessed in recent years when the popular German Brand or Italian Lira was born and was replaced by the Euro some years later.
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Please click "Introduction of Kriptomat", if you want to know the details and the company information of Kriptomat.
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...