Recently Frequently Asked Questions
Where and How can I buy/sell USD Coin (USDC)? Which exchange has the best rate?
Invest in USD Coin (USDC) on Bitpanda USD Coin (USDC) is a fiat-backed stablecoin, which means that 1 USDC is backed by 1 US dollar in...
Where and How can I buy/sell Tether (USDT)? Which exchange has the best rate?
Invest in Tether (USDT) on Bitpanda Tether (USDT) is the most popular stablecoin in terms of volume. Unlike regular cryptocurrenci...
Where and How can I buy/sell Ethereum? Which exchange has the best rate?
Invest in Ethereum (ETH) on Bitpanda While Bitcoin invented cryptocurrencies by establishing a secure peer-to-peer payment system, Eth...
Where and How can I buy/sell Bitcoin? Which exchange has the best rate?
Invest in Bitcoin (BTC) on Bitpanda Buy Bitcoin at one of the largest neobrokers in Europe. Buy and sell your assets easily, quickly a...
How to sign up and register Bitpanda's Crypto account for free?
How to open Bitpanda's Cryptocurrency trading account? Start investing in a matter of minutes. Registration - Download the Bitpan...
What's the fee/commission of Spot trading on BitMEX?
About Spot Trading on BitMEX Spot trading is the purchase and sale of tokens and coins at current market prices, with immediate settle...
What are the types of Futures contract available on BitMEX?
Futures contracts available on BitMEX A futures contract is a derivative. It is also an agreement to buy or sell a commodity, curr...
What are the difference between Quanto, Linear and Inverse Contracts on BitMEX?
Perpetual Contracts on BitMEX Perpetual Swap is an innovative product invented by BitMEX. Perpetual contracts are similar to tradi...
What is Load Shedding and Non-Exempt Request on BitMEX?
At BitMEX, one of the most common questions they receive is about the behavior and inner workings of the offload function, also known as ...
What's the liquidation (stop-out) level of Isolated and Cross Margin on BitMEX?
Liquidation Level of Isolated and Cross Margin Most BitMEX contracts offer high leverage. To maintain a position, a trader must hold a...
Comment by cryptoloversofxm
February 19, 2025
I just saw that XMTrading now supports cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals. No fees, instant transactions, and up to $30K per month. Each deposit gets a unique wallet addres...