Recently Frequently Asked Questions
Why holding Bitcoin is a good thing for you and the market?
About digital assets Since its birth in 2009, digital assets represented by Bitcoin have developed rapidly around the world as an inno...
What are Bitget's hot wallet and cold wallet?
Bitget's specific introduction to [Bitget Hot and Cold Wallet] is as follows. Bitget cold wallet Bitget cold wallet does not touch ...
What is Bitget's Flexible Saving? How is interest rate calculated?
Earn cryptocurrency in an easy and safe way. What is Flexible Saving of Bitget? Flexible Saving allows you to deposit cryptocurrenc...
What is Bitget GroupCoin? How does it work?
Participate in GroupCoin and enjoy up to 50% discount. What is Bitget GroupCoin? Bitget GroupCoin is a platform to purchase feature...
Why chose Belarus for the regulation and license?
Why is regulated in Belarus? To implement its revolutionary new approach to investing and trading assets, the crypto plat...
Where is regulated and licensed?
How is regulated? Currency Com Bel LLC is a resident of the High Technology Park (Republic of Belarus) and is entitled to...
What are's liquidity providers? Where does the price come from?
Where does get prices from? The cost of tokenized assets is formed on the basis of data obtained from various websites (f...
What are tokenized assets on
Tokenized assets are tokens whose value corresponds to the value of a certain asset (security, precious metal or other underlying asset) ...
How is the trading fee charged with Leverage on
Opening and closing transactions with cryptocurrencies and DeFi tokens in the "Leveraged Trading" mode is subject to a trading fee (with ...
What commissions will be charged when trading with
Trading fees may vary depending on the selected tokenized asset. General information about fees can be found on the website under Fees an...
Comment by cryptoloversofxm
February 19, 2025
I just saw that XMTrading now supports cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals. No fees, instant transactions, and up to $30K per month. Each deposit gets a unique wallet addres...