Recently Frequently Asked Questions
How to buy, sell and exchange Cryptocurrency on StormGain?
How to buy cryptocurrencies on the StormGain exchange? To buy cryptocurrencies with StormGain, all you need to do is create an account...
How does Cryptocurrency trading work on StormGain?
What is Cryptocurrency Trading on StormGain? Trading with a multiplier involves using borrowed money to "multiply" a trade, opening a ...
How does StormGain's Crypto Digital Wallet work?
StormGain Multi-Currency Crypto Wallet StormGain's Integrated Multi-Currency Wallet offers an easy way to secure, manage and trade you...
How does Bitcoin Mining work on StormGain?
Extract Bitcoin from any device in just 4 hours Earn bitcoins for free every day by reaching certain trading volumes and increasing yo...
What is StormGain? What kind of service does the exchange provide?
Who is StormGain? StormGain is a cryptocurrency margin trading platform for everyone. It is a quick fix for those looking to profit...
What is Cryptocurrency CFD Trading?
When you search for Cryptocurrency investment, you may often encounter the word "Cryptocurrency CFDs", as if Cryptocurrency CFD is someth...
What are merits and demerits of Solo (single) mining?
There are three methods of mining: solo (single) mining, pool mining, and cloud mining, each of which has different characteristics, adva...
What are merits and demerits of Pool mining?
There are three methods of mining: solo (single) mining, pool mining, and cloud mining, each of which has different characteristics, adva...
What are merits and demerits of Cloud mining?
There are three methods of mining: solo (single) mining, pool mining, and cloud mining, each of which has different characteristics, adva...
Can I trade Cryptocurrency with Axiory?
No, unfortunately, you cannot trade Cryptocurrency pairs or index with Axiory. (data as of February 2021) With Axiory, you can trade o...
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...