Participate in GroupCoin and enjoy up to 50% discount.

What is Bitget GroupCoin?

Bitget GroupCoin is a platform to purchase featured cryptocurrencies at a discounted price. The more participants who join (or commit to) the group buy, the lower the discount will be.

USDT is usually used for pledge and purchase on GroupCoin. For details of payment, please refer to the event rules.

Once you sign up for the GroupCoin campaign, the specified USDT (or other specified cryptocurrency) used for staking will be locked for the duration of the campaign. Locked funds cannot be used for transactions and can only be refunded after the purchase is complete.

Once your staking is complete and your funds are locked, you can no longer modify your staking amount.

Bitget will distribute featured cryptocurrencies within 30 minutes after the event ends. After that you can view your purchased cryptocurrencies through your wallet.

Once you receive your cryptocurrency, you can immediately trade on Bitget.

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