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What is Flexible Saving of Bitget?
Flexible Saving allows you to deposit cryptocurrencies to earn daily interest and redeem them at any time.
When you subscribe to current wealth management products, funds will be debited from your spot account. You will receive daily interest payments in your spot account within two days.
Estimated daily interest = Subscription amount x Est. APY / 365 After subscription, the interest will be calculated on the next day (D+1), also known as the value date, and will start one day after the value date (D+2) Daily distribution to your spot account.
To redeem your funds, go to “Assets” – “Orders” – “Wealth Management Orders” and click “Redeem” on the product you want to redeem. Interest will no longer be accrued from the date you submit your redemption application. Note that you can redeem your funds at any time after the value date (D+1).
After automatic transfer is turned on, the assets in your spot account will be automatically deposited into the checking account at 6:00 a.m. (UTC) every day. You can turn autopay on and off on the subscription confirmation page.
Please check Bitget official website or contact the customer support with regard to the latest information and more accurate details.
Please click "Introduction of Bitget", if you want to know the details and the company information of Bitget.
Comment by cryptoloversofxm
February 19, 2025
I just saw that XMTrading now supports cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals. No fees, instant transactions, and up to $30K per month. Each deposit gets a unique wallet addres...