TT (ThunderCore)

TT chain is a highly scalable high-performance smart contract public chain, which can be used by any application that requires a smart contract platform.

How to buy TT (ThunderCore) on Huobi?

Follow the easy 4 steps below to buy TT (ThunderCore) on Huobi.

  1. Register a Huobi Global account
    Provide an email address, create a username, and choose a secure password.
  2. Verify your account
    After registering and verifying, all you need to do to buy Bitcoin is to provide your name, date of birth, country/region and phone number. For verification information, see the verification documentation.
  3. Deposit in fiat currency or cryptocurrency
    To deposit cryptocurrency, you only need to check the encrypted address on Huobi Global and send funds to that address. There are many ways to use fiat currency to fund your account for transactions, including credit cards, cash, and other cryptocurrencies.
  4. Start buying Bitcoin on Huobi
    Once your fiat currency or cryptocurrency is in your account, you can start buying Bitcoin. Through your Huobi Global account, you can get trading charts, 24-hour global customer support, and TT (ThunderCore) derivatives trading.

Huobi Official Website

What is TT (ThunderCore)?

TT Coin (Thunder Token) is the token of the public blockchain TT chain (ThunderCore).

TT coins can be used to develop distributed applications (DApps) on the TT chain, pay gas costs, execute transactions and run smart contracts on the TT chain.

TT chain is a highly scalable high-performance smart contract public chain.

Any application that requires a smart contract platform can use our blockchain.

The TT chain is EVM compliant, and developers can port their Ethereum applications to the TT chain in minutes if they know how to build applications on Ethereum.

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