Start investing in ZRX (0X) through Huobi, one of the most popular Cryptocurrency exchanges.
ZRX (0X)
ZRX is an open source protocol based on Ethereum that supports peer-to-peer token transactions, and is committed to promoting the transaction of ERC20 tokens in the Ethereum ecosystem.
How to buy ZRX (0X) on Huobi?
Follow the easy 4 steps below to buy ZRX (0X) on Huobi.
- Register a Huobi Global account
Provide an email address, create a username, and choose a secure password. - Verify your account
After registering and verifying, all you need to do to buy Bitcoin is to provide your name, date of birth, country/region and phone number. For verification information, see the verification documentation. - Deposit in fiat currency or cryptocurrency
To deposit cryptocurrency, you only need to check the encrypted address on Huobi Global and send funds to that address. There are many ways to use fiat currency to fund your account for transactions, including credit cards, cash, and other cryptocurrencies. - Start buying Bitcoin on Huobi
Once your fiat currency or cryptocurrency is in your account, you can start buying Bitcoin. Through your Huobi Global account, you can get trading charts, 24-hour global customer support, and ZRX (0X) derivatives trading.
What is ZRX (0X)?
We describe ZRX a protocol that facilitates low friction peer-to-peer exchange of ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.
The protocol is intended to serve as an open standard and common building block, driving interoperability among decentralized applications (dApps) that incorporate exchange functionality.
Trades are executed by a system of Ethereum smart contracts that are publicly accessible, free to use and that any dApp can hook into.
DApps built on top of the protocol can access public liquidity pools or create their own liquidity pool and charge transaction fees on the resulting volume.
The protocol is unopinionated: it does not impose costs on its users or arbitrarily extract value from one group of users to benefit another.
Decentralized governance is used to continuously and securely integrate updates into the base protocol without disrupting dApps or end users.
Each order is a data packet containing order parameters and an associated signature.
Order parameters are concatenated and hashed to 32 bytes via the Keccak SHA3 function.
The order originator signs the order hash with their private key to produce an ECDSA signature.
Please check Huobi official website or contact the customer support with regard to the latest information and more accurate details.
Huobi official website is here.
Please click "Introduction of Huobi", if you want to know the details and the company information of Huobi.
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...