How to exchange crypto to crypto on Kriptomat. A step-by-step guide on how to trade crypto for crypto on the Kriptomat.
Exchange Cryptocurrencies on Kriptomat
You can easily use the Kriptomat to exchange one cryptocurrency for another.
Exchange one cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency:
- Access your Kriptomat account.
- Click on the Buy and Sell section in the header. A new window will open.
- Click on the Exchange tab.
- Click on the dropdown list of available cryptocurrencies. Choose the cryptos you want to trade.
- Click Preview Transaction when you are ready to proceed. You will see all the details about the exchange.
- Click Continue to Checkout when you’re ready to trade.
- The system will take a moment to confirm the exchange. Click Agree.
Normally, transactions are completed within a couple of minutes, but please note that sometimes it can take longer.
And that’s it! You have already successfully traded two cryptocurrencies.
Go to Kriptomat’s Official Website
Please click "Introduction of Kriptomat", if you want to know the details and the company information of Kriptomat.
Comment by cryptoloversofxm
February 19, 2025
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