How to receive Cryptocurrencies from another digital wallet to Kriptomat?
How to receive cryptocurrencies from another wallet to Kriptomat?
If you wish to receive/deposit cryptocurrencies, you will need a wallet address associated with your Kriptomat account. The address for each type of cryptocurrency is created the first time you buy or receive it. You can have multiple addresses for each type of cryptocurrency and you can also reuse them.
To find a wallet address where you can receive the type of cryptocurrency you have chosen:
- Log in to your Kriptomat account and go to My wallet . On this page, you will be able to see your balance for each digital or fiat currency authorized by Kriptomat.
- Find the type of cryptocurrency you want to receive (for example, bitcoin) and click the Receive button.
- If you chose bitcoin in the previous step, a window will open where you can “Receive bitcoin to BTC wallet”. Here you can view and copy your bitcoin wallet address. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code. Please note that with some cryptocurrencies, such as XRP (Ripple) or Stellar (XLM), you will need to choose the wallet address and enter it in the Destination field.
Go to Kriptomat’s Official Website
If you already have a wallet address associated with your Kriptomat account, you can reuse it.
To find the list of addresses:
- Log in to your Kriptomat account and go to Tools.
- Click the Addresses tab. This page contains information about all the addresses for each type of cryptocurrency that you have received or purchased in your Kriptomat account.
- Find the address for the type of cryptocurrency you wish to receive and click the blue icon at the end of the row. You can copy the address by clicking the blue icon or by scanning the QR code.
Once you find your wallet address, you can share it publicly with anyone you want to receive payments, donations, etc. from.
A digital wallet on Kriptomat is completely free.
Once you register and verify your account with Kriptomat, you will receive a free digital wallet address that you can use to store or transfer your cryptocurrencies.
Kriptomat provides a free licensed digital wallet service to ensure an efficient service for all its users with the highest quality.
Please click "Introduction of Kriptomat", if you want to know the details and the company information of Kriptomat.
Comment by cryptoloversofxm
February 19, 2025
I just saw that XMTrading now supports cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals. No fees, instant transactions, and up to $30K per month. Each deposit gets a unique wallet addres...