
Bibox MakiSwap (MAKI) Trading Volume Contest

The promotion runs from August 18, 2021, 10:00 to August 25, 2021, 10:00 (UTC+8).

During the event, users whose MAKI transaction volume (buy*2+sell) ≥ 500USDT will have the opportunity to participate in the share of MAKI token rewards worth 2,500USDT.

Details of reward sharing are as follows:

Rank Rewards
1st place 800U equivalent token
2nd place 500U equivalent token
3rd place 300U equivalent token
4th to 100th Share 900U worth of token rewards based on the proportion of transaction volume.

The top three winning users are limited to one user for each ranking.

If the transaction amount is the same, the user who reaches the first wins.

Reward distribution: event rewards will be distributed within 7 working days after the event ends, see “Assets-Wallet-Bills” for details.

It is strictly forbidden to use a small account to swipe the amount of cheating, otherwise, the qualification for the award will be canceled immediately.

Special rate accounts do not participate in this activity.

The final interpretation right of this activity belongs to the Bibox platform within the scope permitted by law.

Join Bibox’s MakiSwap (MAKI) Trading Contest