Wisebitcoin has listed SAND Cryptocurrency pair for trading.
SAND listed on Wisebitcoin exchange
WISEBITCOIN Exchange will list SAND/USDT trading pair at 14:00 on February 8.
At the same time, the deposit and withdrawal services of SAND will be opened.
The Sandbox is a virtual game world where players can create and own different gaming experiences and earn money from them through the Ethereum-based utility token SAND.
Gamers can use The Sandbox Game Maker to create digital assets (non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs), upload them to the store, and create gaming experiences with a simple drag-and-drop method.
The Sandbox aims to bring blockchain into the mainstream by attracting more crypto and non-crypto gaming enthusiasts through the benefits of true ownership, digital scarcity, profitability and interoperability that blockchain technology brings game world.
Please click "Introduction of Wisebitcoin", if you want to know the details and the company information of Wisebitcoin.
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...