Huobi Candydrop to airdrop JUST (JST)
Huobi's Token Airdrop. CandyDrop will launch JUST (JST) on June 27.
JUST (JST) Candydrop by Huobi CandyDrop will launch JUST (JST) on June 27, 2022. The registration period for JUST (JST) is from June 27, 2022 04:00 (UTC) to June 29, 2022 10:00 (UTC). During the event, users are eligible to regi...
Huobi to airdrop JUST (JST) - Candydrop registration has begun
Huobi's Token Airdrop. CandyDrop will launch JST on June 21.
JUST (JST) candydrop by Huobi. Register for the event to receive your quota!
Details of 9th APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution on Binance
APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution to TRON (TRX), BitTorrent OLD (BTTOLD), BitTorrent (BTTC), JUST (JST), and WINkLink (WIN) Holders.
APENFT (NFT) Airdrop TRON (TRX), BitTorrent OLD (BTTOLD), BitTorrent (BTTC), JUST (JST), WINkLink (WIN) User Program 9th round of reward distribution completed.
How to buy/sell JST (JUST) on Huobi Cryptocurrency exchange?
How to exchange (buy and sell) JST (JUST) on Huobi Cryptocurrency exchange?
Start investing in JST (JUST) through Huobi, one of the most popular Cryptocurrency exchanges.
Details of APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution to TRON (TRX), BitTorrent (BTT) & JUST (JST) Holders
Binance Completes the Fourth Round of APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution to TRON (TRX), BitTorrent (BTT), and JUST (JST) Holders.
APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution to TRON (TRX), BitTorrent (BTT) and JUST (JST) Holders.
Details of Binance's second APENFT (NFT) Airdrop Distribution
For holders of TRON (TRX), BitTorrent (BTT) and JUST (JST) tokens, Binance has completed the APENFT (NFT) Airdrop.
Binance's second round of APENFT (NFT) airdrop has been completed.
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...