Details of the ERC20 Integration of WAX (WAXP) and the new address
Binance completes WAX (WAXP) ERC20 Network Integration and Opens Deposit and Withdrawal Services.
ERC20 Integration of WAX (WAXP) Binance has completed the network integration of WAX (WAXP) ERC20, and opened the deposit and withdrawal business of WAXP tokens on the Ethereum network. Please select the Ethereum network on the WAX...
How to buy/sell WAXP (WAX token) on Huobi Cryptocurrency exchange?
How to exchange (buy and sell) WAXP (WAX token) on Huobi Cryptocurrency exchange?
Start investing in WAXP (WAX token) through Huobi, one of the most popular Cryptocurrency exchanges.
Huobi suspends WAXP (wax) deposit and withdrawal
Suspension of WAXP (wax) deposits and withdrawals by Huobi.
Huobi suspends WAXP (wax) deposit and withdrawal Due to the wallet upgrade, the WAXP (wax) deposit and withdrawal service in Huobi is temporarily suspended. Suspension of deposit and withdrawal date and time is from the current ti...
DIA, GALA, ICP, ILV, IOTX, LRC, TLM and WAXP on Flexible Savings on Binance
Flexible Savings on Binance has added DIA, GALA, ICP, ILV, IOTX, LRC, TLM and WAXP.
New Announcement on Binance's Current Wealth Management Products.
BKEX has listed PORTO (FC Porto Fan Token), WIN (WINkLink) and WAXP (WAX)
PORTO (FC Porto Fan Token), WIN (WINkLink) and WAXP (WAX) are now available on BKEX Global Exchange.
PORTO (FC Porto Fan Token), WIN (WINkLink) and WAXP (WAX) on BKEX.
Binance lists WAX (WAXP), Tribe (TRIBE) and USDT-Margined C98 Perpetual Contracts
WAX (WAXP), Tribe (TRIBE) and USDT-Margined C98 Perpetual Contracts available on Binance.
Binance has added WAX (WAXP), Tribe (TRIBE) and USDT-Margined C98 Perpetual Contracts for trading.
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...