What is Bitget’s BGB Earn?

BGB Earn is an asset management platform for BGB asset investment and appreciation on Bitget.

You can earn BGB every day by subscribing for various financial products that can be redeemed in advance

BGB Earn is a user-friendly product. Just choose from a variety of products on the BGB Earn page, enter the amount of assets you want to invest in the pop-up page, and click “Subscribe”.

Your BGB wealth management earnings will be sent to your spot account daily

After completing your identity verification, you are eligible to use all BGB Earn products.

To apply for any product, you need to have the minimum amount required to apply in your spot account

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How is the daily interest calculated?

Daily interest income = subscription amount x (estimated APR / 365).

After the subscription, interest will accrue from 8:00 am (UTC) on the next day (D+1) (also known as the value date) and accrue from 8:00 am (UTC) one day after the value date (D+2) Begin daily releases to your spot account.

Assuming Alexa subscribes for 100,000 BGB of 7-day recurring product, the estimated APR is 4%.

She will receive approximately 11 BGBs per day for the next 7 days starting on the second day

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How to redeem funds before the product expires?

Yes, you can redeem your funds any time after one day after the value date (D+2).

Go to “Manage Orders” and click “Redeem” at the order you want to redeem.

If you redeem your funds before the product expires, no interest will accrue on the day.

Bitget will deduct an amount equal to a portion of your total earnings from your spot account as an early redemption penalty

Join Bitget’s BGB Earn