Binance Code is an easy way to trade and transfer crypto using secure and prepaid codes.
What is Binance Code API?
Binance Code is simple and easy to use to trade and transfer cryptocurrencies using a secure prepaid code.
The Binance Code API is easy to integrate and suits different business models.
Cryptocurrency exchanges, brokers, C2C merchants, and e-commerce platforms can all benefit from the Binance Code API.
Set up the Binance Code API today. Provide customers with user-friendly cryptocurrency solutions.
Binance Code is a brand new cryptocurrency transfer and trading tool. It uses secure prepaid codes to exchange cryptocurrency funds.
Binance also provides simple and intuitive APIs that businesses can easily integrate into their own platforms. Once set up, the use cases are broad and can be used to facilitate cryptocurrency transactions and transfers, accept cryptocurrency payments, pay loyalty rewards or arbitrage on your own platform.
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Boost your business with the Binance Code API
The Binance Code API is suitable for many different business models, ranging from cryptocurrency exchanges to e-commerce platforms. This section explores how various business models can benefit from the Binance Code API.
Peer-to-peer (C2C) transaction merchants
C2C merchants can use Binance Code to buy and sell cryptocurrencies to users. Select the Binance Code API and you can generate and redeem Binance Codes on your own platform.
You have full control over the business. Therefore, your C2C customers can be both Binance users and non-Binance users.
You can also benefit from cryptocurrency arbitrage trading. To do this, generate a Binance Code at face value and then sell it on your platform for a markup.
Likewise, you can buy Binance Code at a lower price from sellers on the platform, verify and redeem immediately using the Binance Code API.
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Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms and Brokers
Cryptocurrency users need flexibility, speed and security. Stay ahead of the curve; Binance Code is an excellent choice for users to deposit, transfer or withdraw coins on trading platforms or brokerage platforms.
For example, a customer submits a withdrawal request. You can generate funds with Binance Code. Users can exchange codes on Binance , transfer funds to other supported platforms, or withdraw received cryptocurrencies into Binance’s preferred currency.
Want to support more channels on your platform? Using the Binance Code API, you can start accepting cryptocurrency payments, grow your existing audience, or reach a completely new audience.
In addition to cryptocurrency payments, you can also create cryptocurrency-powered customer loyalty programs. Reward your favorite clients, run contests, and offer cryptocurrency prizes in the form of Binance Code.
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Track your transactions. Simple and straightforward
Binance recently added a history feature to help you manage and track your Binance Code transactions on the history page. You can see a complete view of all Binance Code orders and their status.
Check out the tutorial to easily set up the Binance Code API in just two steps. Once set up, you can start creating Binance Codes, check balances and redeem via API.
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Please check Binance official website or contact the customer support with regard to the latest information and more accurate details.
Binance official website is here.
Please click "Introduction of Binance", if you want to know the details and the company information of Binance.
Comment by jetonwhy
February 16, 2025
Anyone else finding it weird that Deriv only allows deposits through Jeton and not bank transfers? They’ve removed crypto too, so now it’s just cards and Jeton. Kinda frustratin...